Thank you for taking the benchmarking survey.
If you’d like to receive a copy of the final Benchmark Report when it’s complete, please fill out the form below.
The Investment Recovery Performance Benchmarking report
Thank you for participating in the Investment Recovery Benchmark survey. As a participant, you will receive the final report, scatterplot and trend charts on critical benchmarks, and an executive summary.
To receive your early copy of the Benchmark Report, please complete and submit the form.
Sign Up For The Seminar Committee
The Investment Recovery Seminar & Trade Show is the major educational and networking event held by the Investment Recovery Association each year. The role of the Seminar Committee is to determine topics of interest and find speakers for the dozen or so sessions. You’ll work closely with the Association staff to ensure a well-attended and worthwhile program.
The work invoved would be only be about 2-3 hours a month, a 1-hour calls per year, and attendance at the Annual IR Conference & Tradeshow conference committe meeting. The benefits become apparent.