For those who buy, sell, or manage surplus assets. Join us in Westminster, Colorado, September 21-24 2025.

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Organizations whose core business is something other than managing surplus assets.
Independent research has shown that our members provide a very substantial bottom-line value to their organizations, returning more than $20 for every $1 invested. Joining forces with a “Who’s Who” of global and major regional corporations, nonprofits, and governmental IR departments, your membership in the Investment Recovery Association will pay immediate dividends.
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• Searchable archives of more than 250 articles
Companies that represent specialized services used by investment recovery professionals
Build lasting relationships with hundreds of IR professionals by sharing experiences, processes, and problems in a lively, helpful, open format. Our associate members provide dozens of specialized services; from appraisals of used equipment … to auctioneers … demolition and environmental remediation contractors to scrap metal dealers and IT asset disposition specialists.
• One Membership Includes All Employees of Your Organization
• Directory of Members by industry
• Discount on the IR Conference & Trade Show
• ASSET 2.0, the Investment Recovery Business Journal
• Listing in Directory of IR Services
• Networking Opportunities
• Searchable archives of more than 250 articles
• Exclusive IRA Resources & Information
• Full Access to the online IR Learning Center (LMS)
The ROI of Green Asset Management: Balancing Sustainability and Profitability
The ROI of Green Asset Management: Balancing Sustainability and Profitability Effective green asset management refers to the balance between environmental sustainability and economic development through asset creation and development which respects the environment....
The Hidden ROI of Zero Waste to Landfill: Beyond Cost Savings
The Hidden ROI of Zero Waste to Landfill: Beyond Cost Savings “Zero Waste to Landfill” is a sustainability target that companies pursue to ensure that none of the waste listed in their operations gets into a landfill. Rather, the waste is reused, recycled, or disposed...
5 Innovative Technologies Driving the Zero Waste to Landfill Movement
5 Innovative Technologies Driving the Zero Waste to Landfill Movement For increasing the awareness of environmental issues, Zero Waste to Landfill has transformed into a global movement nowadays. The goal of this movement is to reduce landfill waste, limit defilement,...
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Optimizing Asset Recycling Disposition
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Optimizing Asset Recycling Disposition As technology rapidly evolves, the fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) with asset recycling and disposition is creating new avenues for businesses to optimize operations and support...
Asset Disposition Strategy: Turning Challenges into Opportunities
Asset Disposition Strategy: Turning Challenges into Opportunities In today's fast-paced business world, managing assets effectively is key to staying ahead. An asset disposition strategy is not just about getting rid of old stuff – it's about making smart choices that...
Asset 2.0-Vol 5, 2024
Asset 2.0, 2024, Vol 5 Generative AI and Your Future. Artificial intelligence (AI) used to be the stuff of sci-fi movies and novels. In the future, computers will become so smart that they will take over the world. We are inching closer to that future time, but...
Maximizing Returns on Surplus Assets: Strategies for Effective Asset Recovery
Maximizing Returns on Surplus Assets: Strategies for Effective Asset Recovery Asset recovery is a strategic imperative in today’s competitive business environment—crucial for organizations aiming to optimize their financial and operational resources. However,...
Maximizing Value and Sustainability: A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Asset Recovery
Maximizing Value and Sustainability: A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Asset Recovery In a world that is increasingly focused on sustainability, businesses must rethink how they manage their assets. Maximizing value and sustainability in asset recovery is not just...
Implementing Sustainable Asset Management: A Guide for Investment Recovery Professionals
Implementing Sustainable Asset Management: A Guide for Investment Recovery Professionals Sustainable asset management is not just a trend, but a necessity. Climate Change, scarcity of natural resources, and an increasing awareness of environmental and social issues...