In order to promote and maintain the highest standards of personal standards and conduct, the Investment Recovery Association has adopted a Code of Ethics for persons attaining the Certified Manager of Investment Recovery (CMIR) certification.

Adherence to these standards is required for certification and serves to assure public confidence in the integrity and professionalism of investment recovery department personnel.

As a Certified Manager of Investment Recovery (CMIR), I plege to:

1. Maintain the highest standard of personal conduct.

2. Promote and encourage the highest level of ethics within the industry or profession my company represents.

3. Maintain loyalty to the company that employs me, and pursue its objectives in ways that are consistent with the public interest.

4. Recognize and discharge my responsibility to uphold the laws and regulations relating to my company’s policies and activities.

5. Strive for excellence in all aspects of investment recovery management.

6. Use only legal and ethical means in all investment recovery activities.

7. Serve all members of my company impartially, provide no special privilege to any individual, and accept no personal compensation from a supplier of services.

8. Maintain the confidentially of privileged information entrusted or known to me by virtue of my position.

9. Refuse to engage in or countenance activities for personal gain at the expense of my company, our industry, or my profession.

10. Always communicate internal and external statements in a truthful and accurate manner.

11. Cooperate in every reasonable and proper way with other investment recovery professionals and work with them in the advancement of the profession of investment recovery.

12. Use every opportunity to improve public understanding of the role of investment recovery.

Available from Amazon:

The Investment Recovery Handbook. Adding Value to the Supply Chain.

A definitive 360-page reference for those who manage corporate surplus assets. This book provides a clear means to appropriately value and market those no-longer-needed items in the most cost-effective and profitable manner.